Q. So, how much does it cost?
A. Our clients value photography highly and we believe we offer a great value for those who choose us to document their wedding day. Instead of simply posting a list of prices like Jimmy Johns, we have compiled a beautiful 21-page pricing guide with tons of valuable information including our work, style, products, FAQ’s and of course pricing for each of our packages. Even if we are out of your budget you will learn much about wedding photography, products, and the questions to ask as you continue your search. Hit up the contact page and we will email you the pricing guide right away, you may be pleasantly surprised.
Q. How are Multi-day Indian/Asian or Destination Weddings priced?
These types of events are special and are custom quoted after we learn more about your event. Please use the pricing guide as a starting point and then we can setup a meeting to discuss your needs further. You might be surprised how affordable it is to have us at your destination wedding!
Q. Do you include a CD with your packages?
A. Yes, packages include a CD of the images with a personal use print release.
Q. Ok, we are getting married in __________, will you come?
A. Coburn Photography covers wedding domestically and internationally, we are expert travelers and will go basically anywhere that has running water. In fact almost 40% of our weddings are out of town or destination weddings. We don’t just advertise the fact that we will do destination weddings, we consistently shoot and produce amazing images around the world.
Q. Do you still shoot weddings in Mid-Missouri? (Huh?)
Yes, I am back in Mid-Missouri a few times a year for a select number of events. I am happy to cover events in Jeff City, Columbia, and surrounding cities as well as Kansas City and St. Louis. (I used to live in Columbia, MO and still get many inquiries from the area).
Q. Where all have you been commissioned to shoot weddings?
Puerto Vallarta is practically my second home, but in the past four years we have documented weddings all over the US and world. We are experts and have contacts in many of these areas. If we have been there before don’t hesitate to use our knowledge as a resource as your plan your wedding.
Everywhere, TX (Dallas, Fort Worth, Houston, Austin, South Padre, Brownsville, Fredricksbug)
Everywhere, MO (Kansas City, St. Louis, Columbia, Springfield, Jefferson City, Holts Summit)
Boston, MA (Cape Cod)
Newport, RI
Miami, FL
Estes Park, CO
Washington, D.C.
New York, NY
Indianapolis, IN
Cincinnati, OH
Chicago, IL
Beliot, WI
St. Barths, French West Indies
Rocky Point (Puerto Peñasco), Mexico
Puerto Vallarta, Mexico
Nawanshahr, Punjab, India
Byron Bay (Brisbane), Australia
Cancun, Mexico
London, UK
Punta Cana, Dominican Republic
Contact us for a quote on shooting your out-of-town or destination wedding. You might be surprised how affordable it is.
Q. What type of equipment do you typically use for a wedding?
A. We use the latest Nikon professional full-frame Digital SLRs available. Details for the nerds like me: Nikon D4/D800 cameras with the fastest and highest quality Nikkor lenses available (tons of ≤ f/2.8 glass ranging from 12-300mm), remote strobes, a case full of SB-900s, PocketWizards, Honl speedlight accessories, and more cords to connect it all than you can imagine.
When we are on the move we use Think Tank & Pelican rolling cases, Domke shoulder bags, and Gitzo and Bogen supports. In post-production we use a Mac Pro, MacBook Air, Lightroom 4, Photoshop CS5, all calibrated with a Spyder3 Pro. We safely store your images on Lexar Pro 600X UDMA Compact Flash cards, which we carry in two Think Tank Pixel Pocket Rockets.
After your event everything is backed up on two Lacie RAID5 FW800 external drives, and off-site backup is courtesy of Bank of America safe deposit box & Backblaze. Phew! Any questions?
Q. Do your packages include a second photographer?
A. Some of the packages include a second photographer, and they are available for all weddings for a very reasonable fee. Contact us for details.
Q. Do you take family and group photos? I don’t see any!!?
A. Of course! Family and group photos are an important way to document who was at the wedding for historical purposes. However, we would rather get them done quickly to move on to more creative portraits with the bride, groom, and wedding party. Sometimes even traveling to a neat location near the days venues to shoot those pictures.
Q. Do you accept credit cards?
A. Yes, we accept all major credit cards.